Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Top 10 Free MMORPG's I've Played

Being a gamer for so many years I have seen a lot of MMORPG's come and go. Oddly enough Free MMO's are somewhat of a new comer to MMO's. Monthly subscription MMO's were the only way to get your MMORPG fix. And let me tell you, when F2P (free to play) MMO's came about with Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online I jump on them and haven't looked back ever since.

Now-a-days there are a plethora of F2P MMO's and in my opinion, they are better than the subscription based games. So here is a list of my top MMO's.

10. LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE - This was the status quo for all F2P MMO's to come.

9. AION - This game is easily the best PvP MMO.

8. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE - Not the MMO for everyone; it was slow paced, had to complete a chain of quests before recieving xp and really only appealed to D&D fan's. But still a great game.

7. EVERQUEST II - Fantasy MMO's are never in short supply, but when it comes to storyline and pure fan-based loyalty there is no MMO that compares.

6. NEVERWINTER - Based on the 4th Gen Rules (if you don't know D&D then you probably don't care) it offered great story-based quests and allowed you to collect points to create your own quests.

5. RIFT - If you wanted to play WoW (World of Warcraft), but didn't have the money to, this was your answer. Rift mimiced the gameplay style of WoW, which is never a bad thing, though it will always be free.

4. STAR WARS OLD REPUBLIC - I wouldn't be a true nerd if I didn't have something Star Wars here. Although some may question why it is on the list at all or even why it is number 4. The way I see it is - when it went free to play in 2012 and people signed up in the hundreds of thousands I don't believe they truly gave this game a chance. They leveled a little and left, though if they stayed they would understand why this game is number 4.

3. FIESTA - As the title says, this is MY top 10 and for me Fiesta was a great anime style MMORPG.

2. MARVEL HEROES 2015 - Again this is purely a nerd pick. I have always loved Marvel (fuck not you DC) and to see my favorite Marvel character's come to life is a dream come true. Not only that but the play as them too.

1. TERA - Of course this is the number one MMORPG on my list. Storyline, graphics, combat system, character's, community and quests, Tera has mastered them all.

What are some of your favorites?


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