
MMOJunkie launched July 2nd, 2015 as a comprehensive way to get involved with the F2P MMO Community to help advance, improve and occationally piss off player's, dev's and the like.

Seriously though, Sachal started MMOJunkie to get more involved with his passion providing any and all that will read his rants, random thoughts, news announcements and reviews. Selflessly and pure with no underlining motive to become famous or considered an expert in this field.

Don't judge me.


Sachal is a gaming ninja, mastering the skilled button smash and cartridge blowjob as a child. As an early teen he became a Jedi wielding his light saber of text-based RPG in the AOL chatrooms against the dark side.

Did he stop there? NO!

As a young adult he achieved his Super Saiyan state gaming with the greats in MMO's, crushing his enemy's with the Kamehameha Technique.


If you are looking to help contribute to the MMOJunkie movement, please send an email to sachyrexen(at)gmail.com. Please provide in the email the article you'd like to guest post with any images and your name.


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